East of Scotland Solo & Ensemble Contest

The EoSBBA are proud to announce the return of the annual solo and ensembles contest on Saturday 20th January 2024 at Gorgie Salvation Army Hall, Edinburgh

Entry forms are available at the following links, and will close at 10pm on Friday  29th December.

Soloists:  https://forms.office.com/e/wbecpntz5L    @ £8 each
Ensembles: https://forms.office.com/e/BcSGH6808h     @ £12 each

Junior – for players who are 12 years and under on 1st August 2023
Intermediate – for players who are 16 years and under on 1st August 2023
Youth – for players who are 21 years and under on 1st August 2023
Adult – for anyone wishing to enter the adult contest

This event will be pre-drawn.

East of Scotland Solo & Ensembles Contest – East of Scotland (eosbba.org.uk)